Free Code & Cost Analysis

free code & cost analysis

Billing Cost Analysis Reports:

Find out the cost of in-house billing versus the cost of outsourcing. Two reports can be presented to you:

(1) Comprehensive Practice Analysis report demonstrating the actual cost of the entire in-house billing operations.

(2) Claims-Only analysis report. This report compares the clinic's in-house billing cost to the cost of your service based on claims only.

Our analysis takes into consideration a combination of the various direct and indirect costs incurred in processing claims in-house, such as:

  • Labor Costs including benefits
  • Postage, Claim Forms, and Envelope Costs
  • Error Rate
  • Administrative and Billing Costs
  • Rental Overhead
  • Time Value of Money
  • Systems Upgrades & Maintenance

Code Analysis Report:

We can perform three types of code review analysis:

  • Medical code review
  • Dental code review
  • Combined medical and dental code review

Our code analysis takes into consideration the following elements:

  • CPT and CDT codes currently used by the practice
  • Average Revenue per Code
  • Average Frequency of Code Usage

We'll present you with a report detailing the status of each analyzed code and a summary of findings, including any potential loss of revenue.

  • Please contact us to see how we can help you increase practice productivity.

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Free Code & Cost Analysis!

Are you losing money because of inaccurate billing? Enjoy free CPT and Billing Cost Analysis. We'll provide you with a detailed report indicating any possible loss of revenue.

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